Check Out this Superfood!

photo 2 (2)Maca. Ever heard of it? Not all that long ago, we hadn’t either. But, it’s not all that new. Maca has been grown and used for the past 3,000 years in central Peru, in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains. Locals used it to increase fertility in their livestock. There are countless health benefits of this superfood! It is similar in size to a radish or turnip, and its nutritional value is similar to wheat. Maca is rich in calcium, potassium, iron and fatty acids. And, it has aphrodisiac properties (you’re welcome!) There are countless other health benefits:

  • Maca is used to treat anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and enhance energy
  • It restores red blood cells and helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  • It promotes sexual function, balances hormones and increases fertility
  • It helps relieve menstrual and menopausal issues like cramps, body pain, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings and depression
  • It’s been shown to increase energy levels, improve stamina and strengthen athletic performance
  • It can help clear acne and decrease skin sensitivity

Sounds pretty impressive, right? We thought so! When Maca is harvested, the root is used to make flour, freeze-dried for juices, or gelatinized for supplement purposes Here are some ways you can include maca in your daily diet:

  • Eat maca baked or roasted in a soup
  • Use it as flour to supplement your cooked foods
  • Add it to your salads
  • Add a dash to your juice or morning smoothie

Like any herbal supplement, begin by using smaller amounts of this superfood, and then build up. We suggest adding ½ teaspoon of maca powder to a smoothie once a day. Check out this yummy smoothie recipe that’s sure to get your taste buds going!

*Note: If you have any questions, consult your doctor before taking maca, and like most herbal supplements, do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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