Balance & Thrive Defined…

2014-10-28 23.57.40Balance & Thrive, what does that mean? It is a question I have been confronted with especially recently as I work to clarify and develop “my brand.” In my mind, I totally get it, but trying to articulate this clearly and concisely has proved challenging.

Let’s start with balance. The definition from Meriam Webster that most resonates with me is “an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements.” What the heck does that mean? Balance is about an integration of elements, all the different pieces and parts of you. Your strength AND your vulnerability, your intensity AND your flow, your feminity AND your fierceness. It is about embracing all parts of your being and that is absolutely beautiful, aka aesthetically pleasing. It’s about finding a place of peace and acceptance with all parts of you. It’s about taking a stand for and acknowledging the power and strength in your dynamic attributes.

Balance is also about embracing the dynamic experiences of life. Oftentimes when we think of balance we think of this perfect synchronicity of our time, of our lives, of ourselves. We think that we can create the space to have a “work/life balance” or that the good and bad, the happy and the sad will all balance out and that sets up an expectation that is simply not reasonable. Sometimes work will need to take priority and other aspects of your life might fade into the background. Sometimes a lot of great things will be happening and you’ll be on cloud nine….and sometimes it seems like no matter what you just can’t catch a break.  Sometimes you will feel so overwhelmed and consumed with the struggles in life that it will feel hard to breathe.

Balance is about finding the flow in yourself and in your life. You might need to be fiercely intense or a pitbull (as my husband so lovingly calls me) at times in order to make things happen and to get things done. You might need to be giving more than you are receiving at times…and at other times this will be reversed. You might need to conserve energy on some days so that on others you can expend it. Some days work may be at the forefront, some days education, some days finances, some days marriage, some days health, some days  family, some days something else. Balance is about moving through all of this, not necessarily seamlessly.  Let it be messy, but let it flow.

Finding balance and peace with whatever needs your attention right now, with whatever part of you needs to show up, and be okay with that. That is your path to having it all. To flourish and to succeed. That is Thriving.

So Balance & Thrive is about taking the action of discovering and embracing balance so that you can thrive. The effort is in the balance because once that is discovered thriving comes naturally.

Cheers to you finding your balance so that you may thrive.


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