I asked in ONE word, what do you want?


Hope you had a really great weekend!  Any highlights?

One of mine was the “Make IT Happen” class on Saturday at Ubuntu Wellness Center (if you haven’t checked them out yet – do it – love, love, love!!!)

So, as part of class – I asked in ONE word, what do you want?

Have you tried this yet?

It can be tricky at first – to really hone in on one word BUT it’s worth the effort.

Knowing so succinctly what it is that you want is a game changer because it becomes the barometer for your action.

A great way to “test” if you’ve drilled it down far enough is to ask yourself “what will having that do for me?” If that takes you to a new place, keep on going until you are repeatedly circling back to the same word. From there, paint out a clear picture of what that experience will look like.

It’s interesting because for me, it’s all about happiness. I feel happy. I know what happy looks like in my life. But I would not consider myself a “happy go lucky person” or all sunshine and rainbows – dark and twisty is probably more my speed. This highlights why it’s so important to clearly define your one word.

You need to know what your one word means to you – what it is that you want – so that you can make it happen in your way and on your terms.

In my world happiness is love. It is laughter and fun. It is messy and imperfect.  It is smiling and sharing. It is connection and kindness. It is surviving and thriving. It is learning and growing. It is giving and receiving. It is feeling and expressing. It is honest and real.

Someone else might say that happiness is sunshine and rainbows. Maybe they would say it’s perfection or being happy 24/7. That definition wouldn’t work for me AND THAT’S OKAY, I don’t need it to. Just like you have your own definition for your word and you don’t need it validated by anyone but you!

Know which roads point you to what you want so that you can choose your path accordingly. If you start down a path and realize you’re not headed in your desired direction – hop off and pick a new one.

You deserve to experience what you want (as long as it doesn’t jeopardize anyones safety!) so get clear on what it is, define it and take action to make IT happen!

I’d love to know your word – hit reply and share it!


P.S. Remember – The Find Your Freedom: 21 Days to Get Unstuck and Finally Press Play on Your Life program will be offered live ONLY ONE TIME this year.  Get the details here.  Seriously, don’t miss it – click here now!!!

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