8 Things that Made Me Smile this Month

When life feels crazy, it’s nice to know that you can find joy in simple things.

Things that are literally right there at your fingertips like calling a friend to catch up, watching the sunset and bringing some fresh cut flowers into your space.

The more you set out to find something to smile about, the more often you’ll find it—and I bet you’ll be surprised by all the places that you do!

Here are 8 things that made me smile this month…

  1. My kiddo’s current obsession with giant oreo donuts. It’s ridiculous…and also pure joy. I shared a photo of how he donuts over on my @emilycapuria Instagram profile. If you need a little smile today, go check it out :). #seriousbusiness
  2. My new Yeti. It’s a vibrant lime green color that just makes me smile. I absolutely love it which means it’s been by my side 24/7 making it easy peasy to stay drink all the H2O.
  3. Mercury Retrograde ending. This may be a little on the woo side, but I have to tell you—every.single.time things feel off in my world (or shit hits the fan) Mercury seems to be in retrograde. So when things had been funky and I found out we were in it again—I was relieved to see it end too!
  4. Watching my kiddo take on the challenge of learning how to skateboard. He’s really into it, and as a bonus watching him learn something new reminds me of what the learning process actually looks like. Here’s the video along with a little reminder about what it actually looks like to learn (we forget).
  5. Catching lightning bugs. You’re never too old. Promise! And this is a great way to bring a smile to your face. Give it a try.
  6. A waterblaster fight with my kiddo…I somehow ended up with the blaster that just fizzles out water. So you can guess who won.
  7. The Candyland blow up pool and unicorn sprinkler I bought out of pure desperation. It reminds me of the time we all went to Vegas to watch my Dad play in the WSOP during the Electric Daisy Fest. It’s ridiculous and I love it. Pics coming to IG soon.
  8. Fresh sunflowers from Costco. They’re sitting on my kitchen counter so I see them and smile about a 100 times a day—what a great way to brighten up every day!

In the comments below, please share what made you smile this month.


P.S. Be sure to grab your August 2020 Happiness Happens calendar for some ideas and inspiration to help you find more joy, meaning and purpose in every single day!

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