30/30 Challenge

photo 5Change can be a scary thing. When you think about making a change, you can’t help but think about the “changing” part; that part is going to be a little uncomfortable. But, change and discomfort go hand in hand. Why? Well, because change is not linear. It is full of steps and plateaus. The fear of the discomfort can trigger you to start thinking about all of the reasons you simply can not do something. But change is a good thing! Though it brings about new challenges, it introduces new things to celebrate. Without change, we’d never uncover our full potential, our ability to test our limits, or the strength of our character. Change is awesome. Change is a necessary part of life. Tune in. This 30/30 challenge was created to help you take your next best step towards change.

When you prioritize the need to take care of yourself by making conscious choices that support your health, you are sending yourself the message that you matter. You are also strengthening a positive focus and a “yes, I can” attitude. This kind of attitude is pivotal. We all deserve to love ourselves and take care of ourselves fully. So why not embrace the challenge to do it? I encourage you to learn about how I was inspired to initiate this 30/30 challenge and “make the change.” Read about it here.

As a health coach, I work with people on diet and lifestyle strategies. Some sessions are focused on educational tips, such as ways to eat more leafy greens, increase physical activity, or manage stress. Some sessions are focused on creating mindset shifts to breakthrough limiting beliefs which are contributing to the behaviors that are keeping one stuck in the same patterns. The 30/30 challenge was created to address both educational and mindset strategies simultaneously.

Here’s how the 30/30 challenge works:

  1. Step 1: Develop a positive affirmation statement, such as, “I listen to and honor my body because my health is important to me.” Write this statement on a post-it note (or several post-it notes!) and stick it where you will see it regularly. Start each day by reading your affirmation statement.
  2. Step 2: Identify your exercise baseline. Set a progress-focused goal for the first week of the challenge. This challenge begins on Wednesday, October 1. So, the weeks will run from Wednesday to Tuesday. For 30 minutes a day for the next 30 days, you are going to focus on moving your body. Your goal is 20 minutes of cardio (elliptical, jogging, walking), 5 minutes of squats, and 5 minutes of push ups*. Each week thereafter, you will change your goal to adjust to the strength and stamina your body is gaining. Oh! And be sure to congratulate yourself on whatever you do. This is your starting point and it is exactly where you are meant to be. Leave the judgment at the door. If you walk a block in 20 minutes, do a quarter of a squat in 5 minutes, and do half a pushup in 5 minutes – that is fantastic! You got moving! Yeah!
  3. Step 3: “Like” the Balance & Thrive FB page here, and make sure you are receiving notifications. Check back daily for inspiration (hint: set a reminder on your phone). Every time you comment on one of the daily posts, you will be entered to win a weekly raffle prize. The winners will be announced each Tuesday in October. The prizes include two-50 minute coaching calls and two base cleanse programs (read details here).

Thank you for choosing to make the change. I am confident that on October 30, you will feel rejuvenated, stronger, healthier and proud of all you have accomplished! Remember: You are not alone in this change process. I am here, and countless others that will be taking on the challenge together. Don’t forget to check out the Facebook page, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You CAN do this! I believe in you! Believe in yourself, and embrace the change!

*Note: Though I am a health coach expert, I am not a personal trainer, doctor, or fitness expert. Please consult with your doctor before participating in this physical workout plan.

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