Got Clutter??? (checklist inside!)

FREE ClassLast Saturday I taught a “Clear Your Clutter” class and it was so much fun! I love it when I teach a class to a group that is interested, engaged and ready for change!

Pretty much everyone in the class had read just about every book out there and tried every go to method…yet they were still stuck in the never ending process of clearing clutter – how frustrating, right?!

This group of fabulous people was making the biggest mistake that I consistently see people making when it comes to clearing clutter – focusing on finding the “right” method.  And I bet it’s a mistake you’re making too!

But guess what?! The magic isn’t in the method!

Just like with anything else, you can try a million different methods (that experts swear by) yet you keep staying stuck in the same loop, doing the same thing and feeling frustrated that nothing is changing.

Focusing on the method is not  going to get you the results that you want. Focusing on why you want clutter free living and how you want to feel in your space is!

Clutter is the biggest barrier that I see to people living happy, healthy, fulfilling lives and it does not have to be this way!

It’s one of the first topics that I tackle with my one on one coaching clients – it’s session #2 “Finding Freedom” in the “90 Days to Redefine Your Life” program. Learn more about the program here.

And it’s something that I would love to help you out with too. Click here if you want to schedule a time to chat.

In the meantime I wanted to share this checklist with you so that you can stop worrying about your method and hop into action – print it out and start clearing some clutter!

Here’s to clearing clutter and creating space,


P.S. The group on Saturday was so enthusiastic that I am in the process of creating a “30 Days to Clear Your Clutter” program that will be coming your way soon. Ask and you shall receive 🙂

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