2 Minute Strategy to Boost Happiness & Success

Can you count on yourself?

You’ve got to know without a doubt that you will do what you say. If you say you’re going to start working out, make a plan and do it. If you say you’re going to drink more water, get yourself a new lime green Yeti and get to it. If you say you’re going to pay off your debt…you guessed it—do it.

It’s easy to come up with excuses, and truth be told, life may throw some barriers your way BUT as long as you set your sights on what you want and take consistent action—even if it’s micro action, you’re doing the most important part.


Because there is nothing more powerful than making a promise to yourself and keeping it.

This is how you build trust, confidence and that inner knowing that no matter what, you can (and will) do the things you most want to do.

Do what you say—always.

Here’s a simple, 3-step exercise to help.

Step 1. Pick one word to describe how you most want to feel.

You’re probably more used to focusing on goals, but the thing you actually want is the result, or the feeling you think achieving that goal is going to create for you, which is why we’re going direct to the feeling here.

To do this, ask yourself “how do I most want to feel right now.” Write down all the feelings that come to mind, review that list and choose one.

Once you have your primary word, define what it means to you.

For example, if your word is intentional—what does that mean specifically? Are you wanting to be more present and engaged in conversations? Do you want to be more mindful of your reactions and words? Is it time to set some new boundaries or stop doing certain things?

Make sure that you’re crystal clear on what the actual experience is that you’re going for. Know who you’re being and how you’re showing in those moments when you’re feeling intentional.

When you start with the feeling first you’ll see that you can create the experience you ultimately want right now—you don’t have to wait. Not only will this make your goals much more powerful, but it’ll also help you to enjoy your life more.

Step 2. Brainstorm a list of all the different things you could do to feel the way you most want to feel. 

Now that you’ve chosen your word and are really clear on what it specifically means to you–write down all the different ways that you can tap into that feeling.

For example, if you want to feel happy what specific actions could you take? Maybe you’d watch your favorite movie, call your sister, bake a chocolate cake, send your mom flowers, watch the sunset, take your dog for a walk or go to the beach.

Write down every single thing that comes to mind without worrying about “how” you’d do it.

If go to Florida comes to mind, write it down—even if it doesn’t feel like something you could do right now. You could still come up with some creative ideas to tap into that. For example you set up  a baby pool on your patio, make up some delicious (and healthy) homemade Pina Coladas and pop on some Jimmy Buffet.

The same? No, but still super fun! It’ll bring a smile to your face, brighten your day and help you to tap into how you most want to feel. And if you did this in your front yard I’m sure you’d brighten your neighbors day!

The more ideas you have, the more options you’ll have to pull from, and remember there are no limits to your creativity! If you need some brainstorming support, please let me know—I’m happy to help!

Step 3. At the end of each day write down an inner and outer intention for the next day.

The inner intention is how you most want to feel (step 1) and the outer intention is one action you’ll take the next day to feel that way (step 2).

This is a way to direct your action and stay on track with what you most want.

It’s a strategy to help you follow through with what you say—it takes 2 minutes and will boost up your confidence and happiness in no time!

In the comments below, let me know what one action you’ll take today to tap into that feeling you most want to feel.


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