10 Powerful Ways to Start Your Day!

I was the kid who was running out the door with soaking wet hair and a chocolate pop tart in hand—desperately hoping I wasn’t too late to catch the bus in the morning.

I’ve definitely upgraded my morning routine since middle school :).

There is so much power in starting your days off on a positive note—it sets everything from your outlook on life, to your mood to your energy levels.

Look at the list below and see what sounds good to you. No need to do all the things…unless of course you want to.

You may actually find that you have a few every day items (like being grateful and drinking water) and others that you rotate in based on how you’re feeling that day.

It’s totally fine to just pick and choose whatever works for you and your lifestyle. There are no rules here!

Here’s  are 10 powerful ways to start your day: 

  1. Be grateful. It’s as simple as opening your eyes and remembering how lucky you are to live another day!
  2. Stretch it out!!! Either before you get out of bed or within the first few minutes, just do a quick series of stretches. Personally I’m a fan of doing whatever feels good, but if you need some more specific ideas, here’s an article I found for those of us over 40 :).
  3. Drink 1 large glass of room temperature water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon.
  4. Set an intention for the day. Taking just a few minutes to decide how you want your day to look and feel can make all the difference! If you want to read more about intention setting (it takes 2 minutes), click here.
  5. Click here to learn how to journal your way to happiness.
  6. Meditate.
  7. Go for an early morning walk around your neighborhood.
  8. Drink a green smoothie—click here for 3 of my favorite recipes
  9. Listen to music—bonus points for dancing :). Here’s a playlist of some of my favorite mood boosting songs. 
  10. Identify that one thing that always seems to get your day off to a great start and do that every-single-day!

Here’s to you having a great day!


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